How many employees in Yongjia Liaoseal?
We have 50+ employees at Yongjia Liaoseal Co.,Ltd.. We ensure that each department has at least five talents so that the business can run smoothly. Of this, the professionals at the production department should be highlighted. They are a strong support to our order processing and business expansion. It is their continued efforts and well-arranged workflow that guarantee the high-quality, on-time delivery. It is notable that we have a new plan to develop products that are focused on certain countries and regions and that we would recruit more talents for this sector. The increasing number of employees is the showcase of our business development.
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Yongjia Liaoseal is active in tamper evident labels market with advantages of technology and tamper labels. 's main products include plastic seals series. lead seal features lead seal wire, and can meet the general requirements in lead seal wire. This product is extremely beneficial for wearers' feet as it ensures it won’t get smelly and it also prevents nasty odors by offering breathability.

Our company has developed and established a comprehensive sustainable business plan to improve the way our business operates. Get more info!

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