How many plastic tamper seals are produced by Yongjia Liaoseal per month?
In general, the monthly output of plastic tamper seals in Yongjia Liaoseal Co.,Ltd. is stable. It only fluctuates based on different seasons (peak or off-season). Yet we have to mention that our production is flexible. We can increase our production capacity to meet an actual increase in demand, or an anticipated one. For example, when we receive a larger order with a time limit, we can use existing equipment for a longer period of time by adding shifts to achieve an immediate increase in capacity.
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With a large number of professional staff, has been rapidly growing to be a world famous container seal supplier. The tamper evident labels series is widely praised by customers. The electrolyte used in cable seal supplier is scrutinized. Any inferior electrolyte which easily volatilizes and leaks under high temperature is weeded out. This product is safe to use. It has undergone a series of rigorous electrical testing in production and has meet the highest safety standards.

In addition to seeking business development, we still strive to make a positive impact on our local communities. We use locally based resources rather than outsourcing them, hence, in this way, we can protect the home-grown jobs. Get quote!

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