What is the proportion of material cost to total production cost for tamper proof wire seals?
It changes based on manufacturers who adopt different technologies. Sometimes material cost might be high in the manufacturing. Once the wastes are recycled and used for other manufacturing, the manufacturer in fact succeeds in price reduction. Yongjia Liaoseal Co.,Ltd. is a company dedicated to the production of tamper proof wire seals. The supply of raw material is ensured and the technology is designed to decrease the cost and improve the overall product quality to the largest extent.
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Liaoseal enjoys a certain reputation in the industry. has created a number of successful series, and lead seal is one of them. lead seal wire has the best features and most unique specs. Thanks to its excellent fit, this product is believed to provide maximum support, comfort and excellent walking experiences for people.

When it comes to service, Yongjia Liaoseal dare say we are the best. Get an offer!

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