What standards are followed during tamper proof wire seals production?
On the market, there are many standards for the production of tamper proof wire seals, involving the industry, state and international ones. The international standards are a basis for Chinese manufacturers to do business overseas. In particular, the European and American standards are the keys, because of their positions in the international trade and their benchmarking roles regarding the development of advanced technology. In China, the industry standard is not expressly stipulated. This means that no physical punishment would be made on the manufacturers who are against. Regarding the state standards, they are the basis for business development. Yongjia Liaoseal Co.,Ltd. has ensured the up-to-state-standard production since establishment. Please rest assured!
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Yongjia Liaoseal is a diversified, export-oriented enterprise integrated with professional lead seal design, production, sale, export, etc. has created a number of successful series, and container seal is one of them. lead seal is manufactured under the visionary guidance of trained professionals. plastic seals is available with complete product types.

Yongjia Liaoseal makes foresighted strategic on equipment automation, management system and so on. Inquiry!

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